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Las Calles Hablan

Recently i was asked to be a part of a Panel Speaking on Street art and Graffiti at the Spanish Embassy in Washington D.C. As part of the Spain Arts and Culture ( screening of the Barcelona Street Art Documentary "Las Calles Hablan.

Much Thanks to Katrine from "Mapping Barcelona Street Art"  for having me and Kelly Towles for the shout. 

The documentary is currently available online, but if it is showing in your city i suggest you go and see it with a group of folks, especially if there will be a panel.

I have my own feelings of what "Street Art" is, specifically, it encompasses everything from the smallest tag to the largest mural. The issue i have with the recent explosion of "street art" is that it does not look at the origins of it, and tries to lump it together with the Graffiti Culture / Lifestyle, which as i said on the panel (when the question of my opinion on street art vs graffiti ) is incredibly hard to understand if you have never been a part of it before. And the only reason it is important now as a form of art to mainstream audiences is that there is a monetary value to it now. There's a lot more opinions i have on this and it is never ending and open to evolve as well.

Here is the Documentary, there's some really cool stuff in there. . ..

Las Calles Hablan from justininbcn on Vimeo.

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